I often visited Padam when I came to Albania. This environment stopped me. I had been looking for something with these features for a long time.

It was the beginning of 2016 when Erion and Brizi asked me to be part of Padam.

I really liked the idea despite the fact that Padami when we got it was a ruin left to the mercy of fate. But it’s nice when you change the face of something, changing it for the better. The satisfaction you get, as you see the change day after day, is immeasurable.

In addition to the restaurant, an important part of Padami is the Bar Lounge, where Brikeni joined us.

It’s been a year, accompanied by fatigue and successes.

During these times, many people have chosen this place to celebrate their joys: Marriages, birthdays, anniversaries, first meetings with their partners and even the most important institutional dinners.

In short, what we had in mind was built. Everything took the right shape, what we work for every day.

We brought a modern, but not snobbish, kitchen that gives value to “Made in Albania” products.

We came with a diverse winery where we already have about 350 wine labels from small Albanian wineries to the most prestigious international wineries.

At Padam you can have a rich and classy breakfast. Here you can find a fantastic place; Bar Lounge where great drinks are served by good people.

The new “Padam” also received accolades. In December 2016, we were awarded the “Golden Bee” award!

We are constantly in the center of media attention. They write for us both international and Albanian ones. We are visited by important personalities who live in the country. But we feel that our friends who live abroad and return to Albania from time to time also love us

Thank you to everyone who believed in our energy and project.

Padam is not just a job, it is a lifestyle. Welcome!